Equipment Descriptions

This page contains a list of (non-magical) equipment and gadgets.  See the equipment list for prices, weight, and availability.

Abacus. Also known as a counting frame, this tool is made of wood and is used by merchants to quickly make calculations.

Acetylene torch. A gas-fueled device able to cut through metal. In future settings, the gas cylinder is replaced by a single fuel cell. Settings allow for welding or cutting metal. It can be used as an improvised (-2d6) weapon which does 2d6 heat damage.

Alarm sensor. An alarm sensor can be placed near a doorway, or multiple can be placed around the perimeter of an area. Each covers an area 30' across. When the area is breached (they can be set to ignore certain people or species, and to distinguish by size category) they set off an alarm. The alarm can be audible, or it can privately alert an individual. It's a Difficult [16] check to detect an alarm sensor, and the same difficulty to sneak past it or disable it.

Anycard. An anycard is a disposable plastic card that looks like any other credit card or super shopper rewards card. The magnetic strip is designed to automatically disable an electronic lock of the same quality of craftsmanship, though after one use it becomes worthless.

Aquatic motor. This device can be used to smoothly carry someone through the water at a speed of 20’ per action. This gadget only functions underwater.

Autopick. An autopick looks like a complex staple gun. From the barrel a plethora of small sectioned tendrils extend forward and worm into a lock. An autopick automatically disables a mechanical lock of the same quality of craftsmanship, though after one use it becomes worthless.

Backpack A typical backpack holds up 60 lb of equipment. It grants the wearer a +20lb carrying capacity bonus.

Bandolier. A belt which runs diagonally across the body and holds 10 items—potions, ammunition, gunpowder measures, knives, and so on. A bandolierimproves the reloading time of firearms by one action (i.e. a firearm which takes two actions to reload instead takes only one, and a firearm which takes one action to reload can do so as a free action).

Beacon, subspace. A unit which, when activated, broadcasts an emergency signal on all subspace frequencies. A subspace beacon has a range of 1 parsec. Using subspace communication, the signal travels faster than light, meaning no time delay is caused.

Bear Trap This metal contraption is fairly simply, consisting of reinforced metal jaws, a powerful spring, and a small trigger plate. When activated (depressing the trigger plate) the jaws snap shut, dealing 2d6 piercing damage. When there’s sufficient detritus and ground cover, a bear trap can be hidden with an opposed INT check.

Bedroll. Often made with oilskin and thinly padded with straw, a bedroll can be rolled tightly and stored.

Bell. A one-handed metal percussion instrument.

Binoculars. Binoculars enable the user to see long distances; most are electronic, and can have enhancements which enable larger ranges of the EM spectrum to be viewed. A standard pair enables scenes a mile distant to be viewed clearly. A high quality pair includes light-intensification which allows them to be used in the dark, and a exceptional quality pair encompasses a wide spectrum from infra-red to X-rays.

Blanket. Often used in conjunction with a bedroll, a blanket can provide warmth while travelling.

Breaching charge. A device designed to blow holes in walls with a very directed blast. It is attached to a wall, a timer is set, and the charge blasts a man-sized hole in the wall. Breaching charges are extremely powerful, and can penetrate almost all materials, or even ship hulls, up to 1' thickness.

Bug. A bug is a surveillance device. A basic bug can record and transmit high quality holographic audio and visual data within 30' up to a range of 200 miles.

Bugsweeper A bugsweeper is used to find bugs by measuring radio frequencies and wavelengths.

Candle. A candle sheds dim light in a 10' radius.

Cellular regenerator. A cellular regenerator is a portable medical device able to heal serious wounds or injuries. The device, about the size of a briefcase, restores HEALTH to the patient at a rate of 2 points per turn up to a maximum of 16 points; the patient must remain still during this process. The regenerator is only effective against physical trauma – it cannot regenerate damage from poison, disease, radiation, or mental/psionic damage. Use of the regenerator is a skilled operation and requires a Demanding [21] LOG check to set up and commence the regeneration process, although no further checks are needed.

Chain, per 10'. Chains can hold weights of up to 1,000 lbs. and require a Herculean [33] STR check to break.

Chest. Chests are typically wooden and bound in iron. A small chest holds about 2 cubic feet of goods, while a large one holds 5 cubic feet.

Clothing Clothing comes in various prices and quality. As with many things, you get what you pay for, and high quality, exceptional quality, mastercrafted, and artisanal clothing can be obtained for the appropriate prices. Higher quality clothing can include enchanted fabrics which resist stains and remain perfectly clean.

Communicator. Communicators are basic voice-based communication devices. Standard versions are hand-held items, while exceptional quality versions consist of a voice-activated badge on the exterior of the user's clothing. Long-range communicators can reach vessels in orbit.

Compass. A magnetic instrument used for navigation. The needle on a compass always points North.

Computer, personal Personal computer units can be small enough to transport and use anywhere (such as a laptop) or powerful machines that remain completely stationary (such as a desktop); high quality computers can grant bonuses to cracking checks.

Contained air supply. This small device is the size of a soda can or large cigarette case. It holds a pressurized supply of oxygen accessible through a special valve, providing enough air for a creature to breathe 5 minutes while underwater.

Crowbar. A crowbar can be used to pry items open, or as an improvised club.

Cryostasis Unit. A cryostasis unit is an enclosed bed or “coffin” into which a wounded or ill patient can be placed. The unit maintains their exact condition. These units can also be used for long-term travel, and occupants do not age, nor does time pass for them in any other way.

Dagger shoe. This is a dagger in your shoe. It is easily detected by anything that scans for metals or a Difficult [16] INT check, but when deployed (a free action) allows you to deal piercing damage when you make kick melee attacks.

Disposable singularity. An extremely advanced mastery of matter and energy control is required to design a disposable singularity. A singularity (otherwise known as a black hole) is contained in a special anti-grav containment field; disposable singularities are of very low mass (relatively speaking), although their actual mass is hidden by the anti-grav field, rendering them essentially “weightless”. A disposable singularity can be thrown, at which point the containment field deactivates and the black hole's gravitational force starts to overpower the area. The singularity itself renders one 5' square impassable (contact with the event horizon within that square requires an Severe [29] END check just to survive), and an area with a 30' radius around the singularity becomes a high-gravity environment. The singularity is small enough that it evaporates from Hawking radiation in five minutes.  The singularity cannot be used as a thrown weapon - it will not land in the same square as an existing creature.

Dressing, spray. A spray dressing is a basic liquid bandage and local anesthetic which restores 1 point of HEALTH. Spray dressings typically have 20 uses before they are exhausted. Note that spray dressings only heal 1 point; multiple charges cannot be used to heal additional damage.

Ear trumpet. A funnel or cone which amplifies sound. Ear trumpets can be used to listen through doors or walls, or to aid those with partial hearing.

EMP. A device as small as a bag of luggage or large suitcase, an EMP immediately deactivates all unshielded electronic devices within 20’. The device attacks each item with a 3d6 vs. the item’s DEFENSE, and on a success the device shuts down for 3 turns. Mechanoid creatures are not deactivated, but they do suffer ion 1d6 damage from a successful attack and are stunned for 1 round. An EMP can only be used once.

Exploding cigarette. Anyone that lights this deathstick is going to meet their end right quick as the cigarette explodes in a giant ball of flame that deals 2d6 heat damage to all creatures and objects within 2 squares. Alternatively, the filter can be twisted to create a 1 round delay.

Fake fingerprint. This small sheet of superthin plastic is impossible detect before it is peeled off, but any higher quality fake fingerprints come with solutions that dissolve it after use. These can be used to replicate a fingerprint for one use. The fingerprint lasts for one hour.

Flamethrower lighter. This lighter can be used as a normal lighter, but contains a pressurized super-flammable liquid that allows it to be used to make a single ranged attack (within 2 squares) or melee attack that deals 2d6 heat damage. After one use a flamethrower lighter is expended.

Flashlight A flashlight can be switched on to shine light in a 30’ cone for one hour before it is exhausted. Turning a flashlight on or off is a free action.

Flask. A steel flask holds about 8 oz. of liquid.

Flint-and-steel. A flint-and-steel can be used to light a fire; it takes two actions to start a fire in normal conditions, or one minute in adverse weather.

Gaseous cigarette. When this cigarette is blown into, it can delivery an inhalation drug or poison at a target within 10’ as an action. Gaseous “electronic cigarettes” cost 6 times as much but can hold a total of 4 doses (rather than 1).

Geiger counter. A Geiger counter detects the presence and strength of radiation. Note that all scanners are able to do this also.

Generator .A generator is the size of a suitcase and is able to provide enough power to run portable equipment, recharge power packs, and maintain a small habitat for one week.

Grappling harness. A grappling harness can be disguised as suspenders and a belt or within a bulky outfit. Once tethered or anchored, the wearer can ascend at a speed of 20’ a round or rappel down as fast as 60’ a round. Once used to ascend or for controlled descent, a grappling harness becomes unusable until rewound, which takes one minute.

Grappling hook. Attached to a rope, a grappling hook can secure a line for a climber, turning the surface into a wall-and-rope rather than a simple wall.

Gravbelt. A gravbelt is used to assist in low and high gravity environments, effectively negating the environmental effects for the wearer. There are two types of gravbelt – one for high, and one for low gravity environments. Gravbelts do not assist in zero-g situations, however.

Gravitic nullifier. A gravitic nullifier is a portable object capable of turning a 30' radius sphere into a zero-g area. Originally designed as a construction and mining aid, militaries of all stripes quickly adopted it for tactical purposes. The nullifier must be placed, and then activated with an action.

Handcuffs Ubiquitously used worldwide in a variety of styles and designs, these metal clasps are chained together and made to only open when a specific type of key is inserted within. A Strenuous [25] STR check or Demanding [21] AGI check can free a person from a pair of handcuffs. Every level of quality a pair of handcuffs has increases the difficulty to break out of or escape from them by one benchmark.

Hidden Magnet This small piece of ore produces a particular strong magnetic field able to disrupt electronics when in close proximity. A magnet disrupts most electronics within 6” (plus 6” for every level of quality).

Hologuise. A hologuise is an electronic holographic disguise kit. With a flip of a switch, the wearer can appear as somebody else entirely, with an entirely holographic set of clothing, hair, and appearance, and even voice alteration. The disguise is convincing enough to grant a +3d6 bonus to disguise attempts, although mechanoids see straight through the disguise as though it weren't there.

Holoprojector. A holoprojector can create convincing three-dimensional images within a 10' radius. Standard models are used for entertainment purposes, but high quality holoprojectors are so convincing that viewers need a Challenging [13] INT check to notice that they are not real, and superior quality holoprojectors require a Difficult [16] INT check.

Holosuit. A skintight outfit which allows the user's clothing and general appearance to change at will, although it is not specific enough to replicate specific people. The occasional glitch and shimmering mean that anybody with INT 4+ can see that a holosuit is being worn, although it can be such a normal thing that nobody pays attention. A scanner also automatically reveals a holosuit.

Holowall. A holowall is portable holographic unit designed to project a single image; originally designed for advertising purposes, holowalls can be used as privacy screens, concealment for secret entrances, or even for mere ornamentation. Holowalls can have their transparency set upon activation – anything from 0% to 100%. The area covered by a holowall is 10' wide and 5' high.

Holy water. Holy water acts like acid to those with the Evil virtue—a pint flask causes 1d6 good damage.

Homing pill. This oral pill has a resilient electronic chip inside of it, one capable of remaining intact and operating while within the digestive tract. The chip transmits a radio signal detectable by bug sweepers and anyone that knows the frequency (which reaches to a range of 5 miles).

Horn. A horn is used to summon or alert others. A typical horn can be heard for one mile.

Hourglass. A sand-filled device used to measure time. Made of two glass bulbs connected vertically, sand runs from one to the other. Most hourglasses measure one hour, but other sizes are available.

Hoverboard. A hoverboard uses anti-grav technology to allow the rider, who stands upright upon the board, to travel above the ground in a similar fashion to a skateboard. The board grants the rider a SPEED of 8; however, the board will fail when crossing water of 1' or greater in depth. Using a hoverboard requires a Difficult [16] AGI check.

Industrial laser. This experimental technology requires a considerable power source but is incredibly accurate at great distances and can deal 1 point of heat damage to a target per turn, increasing by +1 for each consecutive turn the laser remains on the target, up to a maximum of 30 heat damage. At short range (within 100’) it immediately deals 10 heat damage that increases by +4 per turn instead. Operating a laser requires a desktop personal computer and Difficult [16] INT check to choose a target.

Instant Adhesive This concoction dries within 1d3 rounds of exposure (instant adhesive with a specific activation time can be purchased for double cost), causing one or more objects or creatures to become stuck to one another. It costs an action to apply instant adhesive; an object or creature stuck by instant adhesive must succeed a Difficult [16] STR check to break free. Instant adhesive can be used to counteract instant unguent.

Instant Unguent This incredibly slippery solvent can be used to grant a creature a +1d6 bonus to AGI checks made to squeeze into or through tight spaces for 1d6 rounds. When applied to a square, creatures that travel through it fall prone if they fail a Difficult [16] AGI check (after 1d3 rounds, the instant unguent dries). Instant unguent can be used to counteract instant adhesive.

Invisibility cloak. An invisibility cloak uses advanced cloaking technology, refracting light and even thermal signatures, to render the wearer completely invisible. The effect is so potent that not even the faint shimmer of usual cloaking technology is present.

The wearer can stand in direct line of sight of a viewer without being seen (although olfactory and auditory senses work as normal), gaining a +4d6 bonus to any check made to hide.

Jet pack. A jetpack is not as archaic as the name implies. Designed for zero-g environments, it enables the user to maneuver normally. It has a range of about 1 hour, although an additional thruster addon can be purchased (5 lb, adds 2 hours). Use of a jetback requires a Difficult [16] AGI check.

Lantern, open. A lantern which sheds light in all directions to a radius of 30'. A lantern requires a flask of oil to burn for 4 hours.

Lantern, bullseye. A lantern which can be directed. It has a longer range (50') than a regular lantern but only illuminates in a cone ahead of the holder.

Lantern, hooded. Either a bullseye or an open lantern with a cover which can be snapped open and shut.

Laser watch. High-energy capacitors in this timepiece fuel a powerful focused light that creates a laser cutting beam able to slice through up to 1 inch of steel. After 10 rounds of operation the laser watch is depleted. The laser watch can be used as an improvised melee weapon that deals 3d6 heat damage.

Lighter. Normally lighters are for lighting cigarettes or starting campfires, but a Routine [10] LOG check turns it into an improvised weapon that can deal 1 heat damage. After 6 rounds of use this way, a lighter runs out of fluid.

Lightstick, chemical. A chemical lightstick can be shaken to give off a 30' radius glow for one hour before it is exhausted.

Magboots. Magboots are sturdy boots with magnetic plates woven into the soles allow a character to walk on metallic surfaces in zero-g environments without penalty. The character can move up walls and across the ceiling without needing to make any attribute checks, and gains an environmental die in zero-g environments.

Magnifying glass. A circular lens with a handle, a magnifying glass can be used both to examine objects close-up, or to light fires in bright sunlight (which takes 2 actions).

Matchsticks Ubiquitous and often complimentary if not entirely free, matchsticks can be used to start a larger fire not unlike lighters, but canny individuals can use them to create impromptu sensors. By placing matchsticks in an inconspicuous place within its opening arc, telling if a doorway was opened. A Challenging [13] INT check tells how swiftly or forcefully it was done (though if recent enough, a warm match makes this information immediately available).

Magnesium Flare A magnesium flare can be used to blind creatures within 10’ when initially lit and can be seen from as far as 1 mile away under good conditions.

Manacles. Metal iron cuffs are chained together and made to only open when a specific type of key is inserted within. A Strenuous [25] STR check or Demanding [21] AGI check can free a person from a pair of manacles. Every level of quality a pair of handcuffs has increases the difficulty to break out of or escape from them by one benchmark.

Mechanoid. While advanced AI androids are created using the character creation rules, more simple task-specific mechanoids (sometimes called “bots” or “mechs”) can perform navigation, domestic, repair, and other functions. Mechanoids are voice controlled, can respond verbally, and are able to move at a speed of 4. Mechanoids have a dice pool of 6d6 in one specific skill. Mechanoids are not sentient. Some common mechanoid types, with their associated skill, include:

  • Medical mechs (medicine)

  • Astromechs (astrogation)

  • Protocol mechs (linguistics)

  • Maintenance mechs (engineering)

  • Domestic mechs (cooking)

Microchip. A microchip operates as a homing pill but has no range and is undetectable to scanners. Furthermore, it can be used to watch a creature’s vitals, telling both how much damage the subject has taken and their emotional state (calm, agitated, or panicked).

Miniature EMP. A tiny device, a miniature EMP immediately deactivates all unshielded electronic devices within 30'. The device attacks each item with a 5d6 vs the item's DEFENCE, and on a success the device shuts down for 3 turns. Mechanoid creatures such as androids are not deactivated, but they do suffer 2d6 ion damage from a successful attack and are stunned for 1 round. A miniature EMP can only be used once. The device does not work on items of advancement level 10 or higher.

Mirror. A mirror can be used for viewing a reflection or for signalling.

Multi-Tool A multi-tool provides the utility of an engineer’s toolbox without any of its benefits, giving up strength and usefulness for variety. Though it doesn’t regularly grant a bonus to applicable checks, it can be forcefully used to grant a +1d6 bonus to a single check before becoming broken.

Musical instrument The list of musical instruments is vast, especially taking into account the many racial cultures in the world. A musical instrument works much like a toolkit – it offers bonuses to related checks depending on its quality.

Neuralizer. A favorite of spies and undercover organizations, a neuralizer is a small gadget used to delete memories from a creature. Shaped like a pen, when held up to a target and activated as a single action, the neuralizer makes a 6d6 vs. MENTAL DEFENSE check. If successful, the target completely forgets the events of the hour preceding the use of the neuralizer. Neuralizers are illegal in many cultures.

Oil, flask. A pint of oil enables a lantern or lamp to burn for 4 hours. An oil flash can be thrown; it coats a 5' square area. When lit (a single action), it burns for 3 rounds and causes 1d6 fire damage to those who enter or start their turn in the square. Multiple flasks can be used to cover larger areas which, when combined with a flaming arrow, can make for a good ambush.

Parachute There are many different designs and variations of parachutes. When properly packed and correctly deployed, a parachute can reduce a falling object’s rate of descent by 15 feet (for earlier parachutes) to as much as 30 feet (for modern parachutes) a round, to a minimum of 20 feet a round. Navigating in the air while using a parachute requires AGI checks (for calm conditions, Challenging [13]).

Parchment, sheet. Parchment is used for writing, ledgers, and records.

Pen gun. This small device is capable of firing up to four bullets before it is destroyed. A Challenging [16] INT check recognizes it is an unusual device, with a result of 19 or better identifies it has ballistic properties. When used as a weapon the wielder takes -1d6 to their attack roll and deals 2d6-1 ballistic damage. Scanners detect that the pen gun is metal and grant a +2d6 to any checks to identify the gadget.

Pen-Knife These extremely well built writing devices are capable of doling out death in the right. In addition to appearing to be a regular pen, a pen-knife is legal in virtually all countries, can be openly carried through security check points, and can be used to deal 1 piercing damage as a weapon (otherwise treated as a dagger).

Personal transmat. A personal transmat device is a short range transporter technology. Resembling a thick bracelet, it enables the wearer to teleport as a single action up to 30' to a destination within line of sight.

Phone, brilliant. A smart phone is one thing, but a brilliant phone is practically a supercomputer and can be much, much more. First of all, you can make cracking tests with a brilliant phone as though it were a laptop. For every level of craftsmanship quality beyond high, a brilliant phone gains one of the following abilities:

Antennae. Pick The side of the phone contains an extending coil of filament that operates as an autopick. This can be replaced with a Difficult [16] LOG check.

Fingerprinter. The brilliant phone is able to scan, analyze, and then transmit a fingerprint pressed against it. Furthermore, the gadget is able to use a scanned fingerprint to fool an electronic lock of a craftsmanship quality of up to one level higher than the brilliant phone (so long as the electronic lock uses fingerprint scanning).

Identifier. The brilliant phone can make a composite facial image from a single clear photograph of a subject, then reference it through databases to identify them within 3 rounds (provided they have records in the relevant database).

Stun Gun. The brilliant phone can be used as a taser, both to damage unauthorized users and as a melee weapon, or to disable electronic locks of a craftsmanship quality one less than the brilliant phone.

Vehicular Remote. The brilliant phone may be used to drive a vehicle rigged with a control device (costing $2,000). Any tests made to control or manipulate the vehicle.

Phone, cellphone A standard cell phone is able to send and receive calls or text messages, and has a built-in GPS locatable by emergency services. Cell phones require a signal to operate and may have trouble doing so outside of developed countries.

Phone, smartphone A smart phone is a cell phone able to perform many of the functions of a computer, and includes a high-resolution camera. While not ideal, it may be used to perform cracking tests (though this incurs a -1d6 penalty) and grants access to the internet anywhere it receives a signal.

Pick, mining. A hammer with a spike on the reverse end; can be used as an improvised military pick.

Pocket watch. A small timepiece, the hands of pocket watches spin wildly in the presence of fey; this does not happen with elves, as those beings are very attuned to the mortal realm.

Pole, 10'. A common item used to test for traps, probe the depths of water and other liquids, used as a lever, poling a raft, and a myriad of other tasks.

Pouch. A pouch can hold about 25 coins.

Projectile cigarette case. This small pack of cigarettes is unusually heavy but otherwise resembles a regular pack of cigarettes. A person familiar with the gadget (requiring instruction or a Difficult [16] INT check) can use it to fire up to four small rockets (2d6 ballistic damage, range 4) at a -1d6 penalty.

Psi-scram helmet . A Psi-Scram Helmet (or psionic scrambler) is used when psionic opponents are expected. The helmet boosts the wearer's MENTAL DEFENSE by 4, but completely prevents the use of psionic powers.

Rappelling belt. This heavy duty belt has rope coiled through both sides and powerful miniature motors in the back. A piston in the buckle can fire as away as 75’ to anchor into an object, allowing the user to swiftly swing long distances. A rappelling belt can detract without effort, but only superior-quality or better rappelling belts can retract (at a rate of 10’ per round).

Remote control exploding watch . This timepiece contains a receiver allowing the explosives within it to be remotely detonated from as far as 1,000’ away. The explosion deals 3d6 heat damage to all objects within 2 squares.

Replicator. A replicator is an advanced device able to create objects to a specific molecular pattern. Replicators require the pattern in advance, although most can create foodstuffs and common items of less than 30 Cr value easily. A replicator is a non-portable item which requires a large power source, and is most likely to be found on a starship or as part of a building. On a starship, each replicator adds 10 points to the ship's LUXURY rating.

Respirator. A respirator is a small mask which is strapped to the face, and allows the user to breath in vacuum (or toxic atmospheres) for one hour. High quality respirators are much smaller mouthpieces, and superior quality respirators take the form of tiny nasal plugs.

Rope, 50', hemp. Hemp rope can hold weights of up to 500 lbs., and require a Strenuous [26] STR check to break.

Sack. A sack can hold about 60 lbs. of goods.

Satchel. A satchel is often used by messengers to carry letters and scrolls.

Saw. A serrated blade used to cut through wood. A saw can be used as an improvised shortsword. It does double damage to an object when used to saw through wood.

Scale. Merchants use scales to measure the weight of goods. The goods are balanced against various set weights.

Scanner. There are three basic types of hand-held scanner – science, medical, and military. Science scanners scan for energy sources and substances; medical scanners scan for life forms; military scanners are more robust, and focus primarily on the location of life forms without needing to gather additional data – they determine the presence, number and location of lifeforms, but cannot determine other details. Mining scanners locate substances, but can't scan life forms or energy sources.

Scrambler. A scrambler can jam any electronic communication within 30'. An expert can overcome the jamming with a Difficult [16] LOG check.

Scrollcase. A scrollcase holds one scroll or parchment and protects it from water, fire, and other environmental damage.

Seismic mapper. This screened-gadget affixes to a safe or radial lock and after four rounds, creates a small three-dimensional map of everything within the next 6” of solid material. A Challenging [13] INT check reveals the combination of any mechanical lock scrutinized this way.

Servobot. Servobots come in a wide variety of designs, but as a whole they are tiny (1' in size) non-sentient wheeled mechanoid robots which perform basic tasks according to verbal instructions. This is largely limited to the carrying of small objects and messages, being sent ahead on reconnaissance tasks, or simply being the first to go through a potentially trapped doorway, although many purchase servobots as “pets” or as toys for children. Servobots have 5 HEALTH, 18 DEFENCE, and a SPEED of 6.

Sextant. A nautical navigational instrument, the sextant measures the angle between two distant objects (usually a star or the sun and the horizon). In this manner, it accurately determines the user’s latitude. It can also be used to determine the distance to or between visible objects.

Sheath, spring. A blade can be concealed in a spring sheath and called to hand instantly. It makes it easy to ambush someone using the bluffing technique.

Shovel. A standard tool used to dig holes or move earth.

Skateboard. This 2 and a ½ foot long plank of wood has bearings holding two pairs of lubricated wheels. On even concrete and streets it can be used by a creature that succeeds a Routine [10] AGI check to gain a +1 bonus to SPEED. While going downhill the bonus to SPEED increases to +2.

Slimjim A thin strip of spring steel about 2 feet long and 2-4 inches across, normally this is used to undo the locks on an automobile (for vehicles only it counts as a lockpick) but can be used as an improvised weapon that deals 1 point of slashing damage.

Smoke Bomb. Deploying a smoke bomb is a single action. On the first round it fills a square with smoke that makes it completely obscured, spreading out to all adjacent squares the next round; 1d6 rounds later it dissipates.

Soap. Soap is not too common amongst the peasantry, but most nobles are fans.

Sonic tool. Sonic tools are able to unlock doors, deactivate systems, and perform a variety of scanning functions, although they do not work on wood. A sonic tool operates as a Exceptional quality science scanner, and can operate any electronic control (a lock, activation control, toggle) with no check required.

Spring Holster. Braced against the wearer’s arm, these concealed contraptions can hold a single small ranged weapon. The wearer can draw the weapon as a free action, granting +1d6 to bluff-based attempts to access the ambush turn.

Spring Sheath. A spring sheath operates exactly as a spring holster, only for a single small melee weapon. A melee weapon can be drawn from a spring sheath as a free action, granting +1d6 to bluff-based attempts to access the ambush turn.

Spyglass. A spyglass enables the user to see long distances. A standard spyglass enables scenes a mile distant to be viewed clearly.

Squad tactical computer. Designed for infantry training and operation, an STC (Squad Tactical Computer) is able to analyze a battle situation and calculate high-probability success tactics while predicting likely enemy moves. This information is displayed to the users via a tactical HUD integrated into a set of goggles or helmet, depending on the model of the unit. An STC facilitates 4 connections, granting a +1d6 INITIATIVE bonus to up to 4 people simultaneously.

Tac-com network relay. An alternative to to the STC, a TAC-COM relay allows squad members to benefit from the tactical routines and procedures of the squad leader. TAC-COM relays allow each member to effectively posses the same tactics skill that their squad leader has. The TAC-COM requires a full helmet with audio and visual input, and can support up to 4 squad members.

Telekinetic gauntlets. Telekinetic gauntlets are a technological psionic item which grant a small amount of telekinetic power to a non-psionic character, granting them a PSI attribute of 2 for telekinesis powers only. Alternatively, if the wearer is an existing psion, the gauntlets boost the use of telekinetic powers by a bonus of +1d6 to his PSI attribute checks.

Temporal resonator. A temporal resonator is an extremely advanced device. With a single activation, it stops time around the user for up to a minute, enabling him to continue to take actions. However, he is not able to interact with the environment or any items or creatures therein other than himself, as they are effectively temporally locked. It can, however, be used to escape a tricky situation or to heal.

Tent. A tent is designed to protect against extreme elements. Most tents can provide safety from all but the most extreme of conditions.

Thermite Stick. A pyrotechnic combination that can be made from a multitude of chemicals, though usually aluminum (which is ideal for several reasons, from compatibility to availability). When lit, a stick of thermite can burn hot enough to weld metal or burn through concrete. A stick of thermite includes an ignition cap (necessary to create an exothermic reaction hot enough to trigger the thermite) but requires special equipment to handle or use, including tongs and gloves. Any creature or object that touches ignited thermite takes 2d6+10 heat damage. It can be used as an improvised (-2d6) weapon.

Toolkit. A toolkit is an important piece of equipment. Almost any specialized technical activity uses a toolkit (a medpouch is, essentially, a medical toolkit). A toolkit allows you to undertake the activity with no improvisation penalties; high quality toolkits grant bonuses to your dice pool.

Alchemist’s Kit. This includes beakers, flasks, utensils, measuring devices, and other items designed to assist in the gathering and mixing of alchemical substances.

Cooking Kit. Pots, pans, spoons, knives, and other assorted cooking utensils for use on the go.

Disguise Kit. Makeup, mirror, putty, wigs, and more.

Medical Pouch A medical pouch, medkit, or field kit contains various items, including a large scalpel, 20 bandages, various drugs, anti-bacterial spray, and other basic medical equipment. The futuristic version contains a laser scalpel, spray dressings (50 sprays), various drugs, and a hypospray.

Healer's Kit. A healer’s kit contains various items, including a bandages, poultices, some basic herbs and salves, needle and thread, splints, leeches, and other assorted items.

Herbalist’s Kit. An assortment of basic herbs, pipes, bowls, pestle, mortar, and other items to aid in the gathering, preparation, and storage of herbs.

Engineering Toolbox An engineering toolbox includes nuts, screws, wrenches (from allen to monkey and beyond), screwdrivers, hammers, glue, tape (of all varieties), spanners, and various other small tools. A futuristic toolbox containsmini-fabricators, hyperspanners, laser wrenches, coil spanners, flux couplers, gravitic calipers, interphasic compensators, laser welders, energy converters, and a hammer, amongst other things.

Forensic Kit A forensic kit is used to survey crime scenes, take and test samples, and look for clues. It includes a DNA testing kit, sampling kits, blacklights, fingerprint kits, high detail cameras, and more, allowing as much forensic work as possible to take place at the scene. Futuristic kits contain DNA scanners, microvision goggles, and sampling kits.

Thieves Tools Lock picks, some engineering tools designed to manipulate delicate instruments and machinery, saws, pry bars, jeweler’s goggles, and more. In futuristic settings, the include electronic and sonic lock-picks, tiny engineering tools designed to disable traps, miniature hacking devices, laser knives and plasma saws, microvision goggles, sound dampeners

Climbing Gear Climbing gear includes pitons, grappling hooks, rope (made from hemp, kevlar, and a variety of other materials), a harness, while futuristic versions contain laser pitons, hand-help harpoon guns, and duranium ropes.

Survival Kit A survival kit includes a compass, maps, emergency rations, a small selection of medical goods, 4 flashlights, and a portable stove. The futuristic version hasa compass, electronic mapping devices, emergency rations, a small selection of 10 spray dressings, 10 chemical lightsticks, and a portable laser stove.

Interrogation Kit This type of kit is not looked upon favorably; it consists of drugs and devices designed to facilitate the gathering of information from a captured suspect. It doesn't include torture equipment; but some of the techniques can be unpleasant.

Torch. A torch can be lit to give off a 30' radius glow for one hour before it is exhausted.

Trap, bear. A bear trap attacks (5d6) anyone who enters its square, doing 2d6 piercing damage on a hit, and rendering the victim Immobilized until the condition is shaken off.

Transporter. A transporter is an advanced matter-transference technology which best resembles teleportation. The subject stands in a one-man booth (or on a six-man platform for the larger version) and is instantaneously transported up to 10,000 miles.

Vial, glass. A glass vial holds a small amount of liquid.

Walkie Talkie. Walkie talkies are short range radios (handheld transceivers) that can send and receive verbal messages along the same wavelengths. A set of early walkie talkies operates within a range of up to 1 mile (depending on terrain; as far as 3 miles on water) while modern walkie talkies work as far as 10 miles (able to operate half as well through water or varying terrain). Every level of quality a walkie talkie possesses increases its range by 50%.

Waterskin. A waterskin holds a pint of water which lasts one day.

Whetstone. Used to keep weapons sharp.

Whistle. A whistle can be heard up to a quarter of a mile away.

Whistle, dog. As a whistle, but can only be heard by those with INT 8 or higher.

Wire watch. This wristwatch doesn’t tell time particularly well, but hides within it a high-tensile, durable kevlar cord suitable for withstanding up to 400 pounds of pressure. The cord has 1 hit point but a SOAK of 10. There are two varieties - one monofilament suitable for use as a grappling line (with a toughness of 4 but extendable as far as 30’), the other good for strangling opponents (though at its greatest length, 5’).

X-ray camera. This device operates much like a regular camera, but flashes an x-ray at everything within the view screen. After 5 rounds of development within the gadget, it reveals everything within 1’ of thickness behind any non-lead material. The x-ray camera has a range of only 30’. An x-ray camera can take 5 photographs before it needs replacement parts (costing half the cost of the camera).

X-ray goggles. X-ray goggles do not technically use x-rays; they gained the name from similar 20th/21st century fictional gadgets. They utilize the entire EM spectrum, enabling the wearer to see through up to 1' thickness of any material as clearly as though the barrier were not there. The goggles have a range of only 40', however.

Zero-g backpack . A zero-g backpack uses anti-grav technology to enable the wearer to carry heavy items; items within the backpack effectively weigh nothing and do not add to the wearer's carrying limits. The backpack can hold up to 100 lb of items. The backpack itself has a weight of 5 lb, however, and a zero-g backpack does not operate within another zero-g backpack.