Characters can find themselves subject to a variety of conditions as they adventure. Conditions are usually temporary, and inflict certain restrictions or penalties on a character. Conditions can be brought about by spells, diseases, environmental effects, and more.
Conditions include things like Afraid, Bleeding, Burning, Blind, Sick, Fatigued, and so on. Conditions can be caused in a variety of ways, but the most common are critical hits (which inflict temporary conditions which can be shaken off relatively quickly) and hostile environments (which cause persistent conditions which last until the victim has had a full night’s rest).
Each condition has two effects. In the lists below, the first time a condition is inflicted, the target suffers from the effect in the first bullet-point. If they are affected twice by a condition, the second bullet point is used. Shaking off a condition shakes off all effects.
Temporary conditions. Shaking off temporary conditions is simple: just roll 1d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, the condition is removed. Shaking off a given condition takes one action, and can only be attempted once per turn. Multiple actions may be used to shake off multiple conditions in one turn.
Conditions which do not allow you to take actions still allow you to try to shake off conditions.
Additionally, at the GM’s discretion, suitable methods can be used to automatically end a condition (diving into water when on fire, for example).
Severe conditions. Some temporary conditions are more serious than others. A condition described as severe can only be shaken off by rolling a 6. Only temporary conditions can be severe.
Persistent conditions. Some conditions cannot be shaken off. Persistent conditions are not cleared until the creature gets a full night’s rest. Some conditions cannot be persistent (these would kill any creature long before the day was out). These are marked with an asterisk.
LUCK dice. You can use a LUC die to cancel out a condition. You must do this when the condition is initially applied.
You can also use a LUC die to make a condition you have inflicted into a severe condition (requiring a roll of 6 to remove).
Damage types. Each damage type inflicts a specific condition as determined by a roll of 1d6. This should be noted on the character sheet so that it does not need to be looked up each time. If an attack does multiple damage types (e.g. piercing/poison) then both statuses are inflicted on a critical hit.
If you prefer a much simpler version, simply use only the first listed condition for each damage type and note that on the character sheet.
Social checks. Making social CHA or REP checks to persuade, taunt, amuse, or intimidate cause Charm, Angry, Manic, and Afraid on a critical success, respectively.
Stacking. Multiple effects which cause half SPEEED do not stack.
1d6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Acid |
Pain |
Pain |
Pain |
Burning |
Burning |
Burning |
Ballistic |
Bleeding |
Bleeding |
Pain |
Pain |
Downed |
Slowed |
Blunt |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Deaf |
Sleeping |
Drunk |
Drunk |
Cold |
Slowed |
Slowed |
Slowed |
Slowed |
Sleeping |
Restrained |
Electricity |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Pain |
Pain |
Burning |
Heat/Fire |
Burning |
Burning |
Burning |
Pain |
Pain |
Disarmed |
Ion |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Light |
Blind |
Blind |
Blind |
Blind |
Disarmed |
Disarmed |
Necrotic |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Fatigued |
Downed |
Downed |
Piercing |
Bleeding |
Bleeding |
Bleeding |
Pain |
Pain |
Disarmed |
Poison |
Poisoned |
Poisoned |
Sleeping |
Drunk |
Sick |
Sick |
Psionic/Psychic |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Dazed |
Confused |
Radiation |
Sick |
Sick |
Sick |
Sick |
Sick |
Sick |
Slashing |
Bleeding |
Bleeding |
Blind |
Blind |
Disarmed |
Slowed |
Sonic/Sound |
Deaf |
Deaf |
Deaf |
Deaf |
Drunk |
Drunk |
Afraid. The target displays fear towards the attacker.
- You cannot approach the source of your fear.
- You must flee the source of your fear, or simply cower if that is not possible.
Angry. The target feels irrational anger.
- You cannot take any non-attack actions other than moving directly towards an enemy.
- You must attack the nearest foe. If none are available, you must attack the nearest ally.
Bleeding*. The target suffers ongoing damage from a lingering wound.
- You take 1d6 damage at the start of your turn.
- You take 2d6 damage at the start of your turn.
Blind. The target’s vision is obscured by a helm, blood, or wound.
- Your vision is limited to 30’, and you move at half SPEED. You cannot benefit from flanks or crossfires.
- You cannot see, cannot use ranged weapons, move at half SPEED, and suffer -2d6 to all sight-based actions.
Burning*. The target suffers ongoing damage from fire, acid, or a similar toxic substance.
- You take 1d6 fire damage per round. Clothes are ruined.
- You take 2d6 fire damage per round. Clothes, hair, and eyebrows are ruined.
Charmed. The target feels friendship and loyalty towards the attacker.
- You will not attack the source of the charm, nor will you willingly allow harm to come to them; neither do you provide flank or crossfire bonuses against them.
- You will obey commands which do not overly conflict with your nature or which are obviously harmful to you.
Confused. The target is confused and unsure of his surroundings.
- You drop any items you are holding and cannot tell friend from foe.
- Roll 1d6 to determine your condition each turn: (1) afraid, (2) angry, (3) forgetful, (4) manic, (5) drunk, (6) dazed.
Dazed. The target is unstable and disoriented.
- You lose one action per round and a hit knocks you prone.
- You lose two actions per round.
Deaf. The target’s hearing is affected by a ringing in the ears or a physical obstruction.
- You cannot hear sounds more than 30’ away and suffer -1d6 to PERCEPTION and INITIATIVE. You have SOAK 5 (sonic). You cannot benefit from any voice-based buffs or benefits which originate from further than 30’ away.
- You cannot hear anything and suffer -2d6 to PERCEPTION and INITIATIVE. You have SOAK 10 (sonic). You cannot benefit from any voice-based buffs or benefits.
Disarmed. The target’s weapon is temporarily dropped, broken, jammed, or entangled.
- Your weapon cannot be used.
- As above, but the condition is now severe and requires a 6 to end.
Disarmored. The target’s armor is displaced, straps are cut, or a significant opening is made.
- You have half SOAK (round up).
- You have no SOAK.
Downed. The target is knocked to the floor.
- You are prone and cannot stand.
- You are prone and helpless; your DEFENSEs become 10.
Drunk. The target is intoxicated by drink or another substance, or is punch-drunk from a heavy blow.
- You cannot move more than once in a round.
- You cannot move, but at the start of your turn you wander 1d6 squares in a random direction.
Fatigued. The target is weary, finding loads heavy as exhaustion sets in.
- You can only take one action per round and your carry increment is halved.
- Your maximum HEALTH is halved, in addition to the above effects.
Forgetful. The target suffers from amnesia.
- You cannot use any of your skills.
- You cannot remember anything, including who you are or who your allies are.
Manic. The target is overly happy, joyous, and mirthful.
- You cannot take hostile or aggressive actions.
- You are convulsed with laughter and can take no other actions.
Pain. An injury causes the target pain which restricts movement.
- You take 1d6 damage if you take a second action in a turn.
- You take 1d6 damage if you take any actions.
Poisoned. The target is infected by a toxic substance.
- You cannot be healed.
- You cannot be healed and you take 1d6 poison damage at the start of each turn.
Restrained. The target is grabbed, entangled, frozen, or otherwise prevented from moving. If the condition is applied by a grab, escape requires a melee attack against the grabber rather than a regular condition d6 shake-off roll.
- You cannot move from your current square.
- You cannot take any actions, and your physical DEFENSEs drop to 10 to all except the creature restraining you.
Sick. The target is nauseous and unable to act as normal.
- You cannot jump and you can only take one action per round.
- You suffer -2d6 to all attribute checks, as well as the above effects.
Sleeping. The target is sent to sleep by magic or a heavy blow.
- You are drowsy and lethargic. You may only act once each turn.
- You are asleep, and cannot be woken.
Slowed. The target suffers a leg injury, or a magical effect which reduces speed.
- Your SPEED scores are halved and you suffer -4 to physical DEFENSEs.
- Your SPEED scores are halved, and your physical DEFENSEs become 10.