Starter Kit
Download the What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. Starter Kit for free!
A beautiful 40-page PDF which introduces the basic rules of the game and provides you with a short adventure and six pregenerated characters. This book contains a very basic, stripped-down expression of the rules.
Click on the image below to download the PDF or to buy a softcover version from DriveThruRPG, RPGnow, Lulu, or,, and others, including Barnes & Noble.
Pregenerated Characters
There are six pregenerated characters in the Starter Kit. Download the PDF at the link above and print them out. For blank sheets and equipment sheets see the Resources page.
- Alejandra Vanistos, tech wizard
- Ben Madjos, international superspy
- Gorrat, Ogron star marine
- Mandallan, honorable knight
- Dr. TikTok, android medic
- Selena, firemage extraordinaire
Temple Map
A gorgeous 34" x 26" map of the temple in the starter adventure is available in digital and physical formats.
- You can download a 34" x 26" poster-sized image of the temple map from the starter adventure, with a 1" grid perfect for use with miniatures, right here (coming soon). If you download it, you will get a giant PDF. To print it in sections suitable for a regular home printer using Acrobat Reader (other software may vary) select Print from the File menu, and then click on the Poster button (shown here). This will print it in a series of letter-sized pages which you can assemble into the full map.
- Alternatively, here it is as a giant jpeg in case you have access to a print shop and want to arrange your own printing, or need it for digital/online gaming tools.