SUB-L Travel Calculator

Enter the SUB-L speed in the yellow box to determine the travel time for 1 AU.  SUB-L 20 is light speed, or FTL-1, but note that subluminal propulsion systems can never actually reach that speed.  Valid values for SUB-L in the form below are integers from 1-20, plus 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8. 19.5, 19.9, 19.99, 19.999, and 19.9999.  Any other values will result in errors.

C refers to the speed of light. The value below C indicates the fraction of the speed of light.

Time Dilation.  This indicates the time that passes for the observer (i.e. everybody not traveling). Time dilation means that at high speeds less time passes for the travelers than for stationary objects. Time dilation starts be noticeable at about 0.1c, or SUB-L 7, and increases dramatically above SUB-L 19.

Also see the FTL travel calculator.

- jsFiddle demo

Time Dilation
Select the SUB-L speed in the yellow box above. The output above gives you the time to travel one AU in four different units of time (choose one of them).
Optionally, enter the travel distance in AU in the yellow box below to automatically calculate longer journeys.
Time to travel to Proxima Centauri
Enter distance in AU
Time Dilation

Notable Distances

Location Average Distance from Sol (AU)
Mercury 0.4
Venus 0.7
Earth 1.0
Mars 1.5
Ceres 2.8
Jupiter 5.2
Saturn 9.6
Uranus 19
Neptune 30
Pluto 40
Kuiper Belt 52
Oort Cloud 75,000
Proxima Centauri 268,000